Climate-i calls for action on Short-Lived Climate Pollutants

Climate-i and 17 other organisations and individuals signed an open letter this week calling for stronger action on Short-Lived Climate Pollutants (SLCPs). These emissions – which include most F-gas refrigerants such as HFCs – are both more warming and shorter-lived than CO2. That means that reducing them can yield climate benefits relatively quickly. However, the way emissions are reported means the impact of tackling SLCPs is usually underestimated.

Elinor Wakefield, Climate-i CEO, said “Current standards for reporting emissions emphasise long-lived greenhouse gases. This can lead to companies putting less focus on reducing SLCP emissions even though action on SLCPs has a big impact in a short space of time. That’s why finding a cost-effective solution for corporate HFC emissions is part of Climate-i’s technology roadmap”.

You can find out more about SLCPs on the Climate and Clean Air Coalition website here.