Privacy Policy

Climate-i Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales with company number 14980303.

Our registered address is 1 The Old Lemonade Factory, Falmouth, Cornwall, TR11 3EX, UK.

Our contact email is

  • Your location (estimated through your IP address)
  • The date and time of access
  • The referrer URL you used to reach the current page (if present)
  • The user agent of your browser (pseudoanonymised)

This information is obtained by analysing the requests you send to our website when you access it.

We also collect and store contact information from you if you sign up for our newsletter, or send us a message through the forms on our contact page.

We utilise this data to better understand how you utilise our website and identify potential areas for improvement. We also use this data to gauge the relative popularity of different aspects of our website, so that we can divert our efforts to improving these areas.

The data from forms which can be submitted through our contact page is collected in order to send you emails from our mailing list, and address your enquiry respectively.

Without having access to this data, we would not be able to fulfil your request as per the submission of the forms on the contact page, nor improve our services from the data you provide us when accessing the website. Your data will only be utilised for these purposes by Climate-i Ltd.

Your data is securely stored on our server in the United Kingdom. It is only accessible by Climate-i Ltd.

All this data will be stored indefinitely by Climate-i Ltd until further notice, unless you request us to erase it.

As we are processing your data based on legitimate interests, you are able to exercise the following rights:

  • Right of access – you may ask at any time to access your personal data
  • Right to erasure – you may ask at any time for us to erase all your personal data we possess

If you think our methods, or the data we collect is in infringement of the law, you may contact a supervisory authority to complain.

If you wish to minimise the amount of personal data we collect from you, you can choose not to fill out any of the forms on the contact page, and also use tools such as VPNs to hide your real IP address and browser plugins to obscure your user agent string.

We do not utilise any cookies on our website.